For the most up-to-date shipping estimates, please refer to the table on the home page of our help center
You also can easily track the status of your Bed Bath N' Table order via our website. All you need to do is enter the email you used at checkout and your order number (you can find this in your order confirmation email).
- AU customers: check your order status here.
- NZ customers: check your order status here.
How long do orders take to dispatch?
We are currently dispatching all orders within 1-3 business days. Our team are working hard to ensure that your order arrives as quickly as possible.
Please be aware due to high order volumes during busy sale periods throughout the year, there are times when your order may take longer than usual to reach you. We apologise for any inconvenience and sincerely appreciate your patience during these times.
Please also note we are unable to change or modify your order once it has been completed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
How do I track my order once it is out for delivery?
Once your order is dispatched, we will send you an email confirming it is on the way. In that email, you will find a tracking number, along with a link to track your order via our delivery partner. Using this link, you can view ongoing status updates from our delivery partner until your order reaches your door.
In the last step of checkout, there is a heading titled "Gift Cards & Promotions". Just under it, you will find a button with the text "Apply a Promo Code". Click on this button, enter the promotional code and then click on "Apply" to enter the code.
Please note that some promotions require you to be signed into your online Rewards account in order to apply it, so make sure that you have signed in prior to checking out. If you are not a member, you can join for free below:
If you are still having issues with your promotional code, reach out to us via our contact form. In the description, please include information about the products that you have in your cart, so that we can assist you better.
We currently have two main types of promotions:
1. Rewards member pricing: If you are a Rewards member, we offer 15% off selected items*. To apply the Rewards member pricing to your order, please make sure you log into your online account before checking out. To learn more about what is included in our Rewards program and join for free, visit the following pages:
2. Promotional discounts: We often run temporary promotions and sales, some of which require you to input a promotional code at checkout. In order to make sure the promotional code is applied, ensure that you are signed into your Rewards account (as some promotions are for Rewards customers only). You can sign in or join for free by visiting the following pages:
- Sign in page for New Zealand
After following the steps above, if you are still not getting the expected discount then get in touch with us via our contact form. In the description, please include information about the products that you have in your cart, so that we can assist you better.
Below are some of the most common issues and how to resolve them:
When I try adding an item to My Bag, I receive a message that says "qty not available".
This sometimes happens when an item becomes out of stock at the same time as you are trying to add it to your bag. For example, another customer may have added the last quantity of that item just before you did. If this happens, then it means the item is now out of stock online.
If you are still interested in that item, you can buy it in-store instead. Simply click on the "Find In Store" button for that item (you can find this under the "Add to Bag" button), and enter your postcode to see which of your local stores have that item in stock!
The checkout button is not visible on the My Bag page.
The checkout button disappears when there are out of stock items in your cart. To resolve this, go through the list of items in your cart and remove any out of stock items (these are marked with a red message that says "out of stock"). Once you do this, the checkout button will be visible again.
When I click on the "Pay Now" button, nothing happens.
This issue is sometimes caused if you have an ad-block extension installed in your browser. To solve this issue, go to the "Extensions" tab in your browser and disable any ad blockers that you may have installed. Alternatively, go to a different browser and try checking out from there (for example, if you normally use Chrome, then try checking out through Firefox or Safari).
When I click on "Pay Now", I am redirected to an external bank website.
This is completely normal. We have a technical measure in place called 3D Secure where your bank may ask you for some extra details to verify your payment. This is just an extra layer of security to make sure your details are protected and prevent fraud.
I was redirected to the external bank website, but I did not receive a PIN from my bank.
You will need to contact your bank directly or use a different card.
I am still having issues, what do I do?
If the above information did not solve your issue, please get in touch with us via our contact form.
AU Delivery Location | Metro | Regional |
VIC | 2-3 business days | 4-5 business days |
QLD & TAS | 5-6 business days | 6-7 business days |
NSW, ACT, SA | 4-5 business days | 5-6 business days |
WA | 6-7 business days | 8-9 business days |
NT | 7 business days | 9 business days |
NZ Delivery Location | Metro | Regional |
AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, WELLINGTON | 11-14 business days | 12-16 business days |
OUTER REGIONAL AREAS | 16-20 business days |